Wednesday, July 15, 2009

*is still here*

Hey, guess what? I actually haven't forgotten about this blog--I was just waiting until something interesting happened so I could post about it.
Well, it did. I'm now employed! And so so so happy about it. Starting the end of August, I'll be working full time at a boarding kennel for cats and dogs. I've been volunteering their since end of June and it's been going well. I quite enjoy the work and the people there are very pleasent and friendly :D So it's all good!

On a different note, who else is totally going to go see Half Blood Prince?? *raises hand* We're meeting up with Jo on Friday, getting my brother back, and watching it. I've been rereading the book to prep myself. Even with all the changes I think I'm going to LOVE it. *happy sigh.*

I also read The Order of the Phoenix, erm, actually for the first time (shhh!). And it was kinda different from the movie in that Harry was even more annoying then normal. He was always getting emotional, shouting at his friends & teachers, I'm surprised they didn't all shun him. He was especially interested in telling people different variations of "MY parents were killed by VOLDEMART and yours WEREN'T so obviously I have had a very upseting childhood and should be handled carefully."
or something. Yeah, can you tell who's NOT my favorite character...?

Favorite characters so far: Hermione is definetly my fav. Ginny and Luna are also pretty awesome.

Btw I really AM going to read Atonement it in the mail the other day. So you'll be hearing from me hopefully soon about that! :)


  1. Yay for employment! :) That's fantastic!

  2. Ooh sounds like a fun job! I hope you enjoy it!!

  3. Congrats on your getting employed, that's awesome!!! ^_^

    How did you like the Half-blood Prince??

    })i({ Katie })i({

  4. Yeah, Harry is super-annoying in the later books.

    Thanks so much for your comment - I really appreciate it! :)

    A xx

  5. i cry when i watch atonement and i always feel so justified in it because of the beauty and cinematography. It was such a captivating film both to the eye and the emotions. I have not read the book nor do I think I would want to after seeing the film. But please do update and maybe I'll have to pick it up at Barnes N Noble.

    such a blessing to follow another christian blogger. Saw you on a friends blog and had to add ya.

  6. Congrats on the job! Ohh, I'd love to read Atonement.

